Spacer Properties


Properties that impact the [Spacer] control.


Force a break after this control.

Control container class name

Advanced/Optional. All controls are automatically wrapped in a div, with a class name of 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container', unless the control is in a 'NoFloat' container. You can specify a class name to use for the control container in addition to the 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container' class that is automatically used. This allows you to have more control over the appearance of the control.

Control container prevent float

Advanced/Optional. All controls are automatically wrapped in a div, with a class name of 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container', unless the control is in a 'NoFloat' container. This container automatically 'floats' the control, so that your controls lay out automatically from left to right until a control with a 'break after' is encountered. In addition, the class adds padding around the control. By checking this property, you are specifying that the div container that encloses this control will not have the 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container' class applied.


Specify the spacer height. Use CSS syntax, e.g. 2px, 1in, 10pt, etc. You can leave the width blank if you only want to space controls vertically.


Specify the control id.


Specify the spacer width. Use CSS syntax, e.g. 2px, 1in, 10pt, etc. You can leave the height blank if you only want to space controls horizontally.

See Also